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London, UK, 8(2), pp. 177–196. doi: 10.33182/tmj.v8i2.1067. More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian 2006-10-09 Empirical results highlight that the interaction within fans community has spillover effect on content marketing under “Fan Economy” era.

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The Moderating Role of Commitment on the Spillover Effect of Marketing Communications Rohini Ahluwalia, H. Rao Unnava, and Robert E. Burnkrant Journal of Marketing Research 2018 38 : 4 , 458-470 author: Caroline Koks. The aim of this research is to provide insights into the existence of spillover effects concerning behaviours within and between the domains of sustainable energy consumption and sustainable food consumption, and whether these effects could be explained by the theory of mental accounting. 2018-08-01 · Empirical results highlight that the interaction within fans community has spillover effect on content marketing under “Fan Economy” era. Recommended Citation Geng, Ruibin; Wang, Shichao; and Chen, Xi, "Spillover Effect of Content Marketing in E-commerce Platform under the Fan Economy Era" (2018). J. Marketing 78(1):1-19. Google Scholar; Simonin BL, Ruth JA (1998) Is a company known by the company it keeps?

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Assessing the spillover effects of brand alliances on consumer brand attitudes. J. Marketing Res. 35(1):30-42. Google Scholar; Sonnier GP, McAlister L, Rutz OJ (2011) A dynamic model of the effect of online communications on firm sales.

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Spillover effekt marketing

author: Caroline Koks.

Spillover effekt marketing

På grund av spill-over-effekterna Markets, market-making and marketing. This paper suggests that the spillover of knowledge may not occur automatically as has typically been assumed in models of Globaliseringen och den svenska industrin: Effekter och framtidsutsikter Marketing, Business and Management. förekomsten av spillover-effekter och teknologins icke-exkluderande egenskaper. Företagen som A Problem of Management and Marketing − Not Finance?
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The increased attention to customer retention, as oppo.sed to acquisition, has given Claudiu Dimofte and Ronald Goodstein (2006) ,"Explaining the Negative Spillover Effect in Target Marketing: Automatic Social Comparisons That Threaten Collective Self-Esteem", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 33, eds. Connie Pechmann and Linda Price, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 276-276. The Moderating Role of Commitment on the Spillover Effect of Marketing Communications. Rohini Ahluwalia, H. Rao Unnava, Robert E. Burnkrant Journal of Marketing Research. Vol 38, Issue 4, pp.

Online-Marketing: Berücksichtigung der Spillover-Effekte von View-Kontakten bei der Attribution verhindern. Um dies zu erreichen muss der Spillover-Effekt zwischen View und nachgelagertem Klick bei der Attribution berücksichtigt werd Spill-over-Effekt. Ausweitung der Wirkung einer Kommunikationsmaßnahme über den anvisierten Zielbereich hinaus; Als Autor von Fachbeiträgen zum Phänomen "Marke" und Redner auf Marketing- und Markenkonferenzen teilt er .

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Spill-over-Effekt - Thema:Marketing - Online Lexikon - Was ist was? Alles, was Sie schon immer wissen wollten. Marketing. Beeinflussung von Image und Bekanntheitsgrad eines Objekts (i.d.R. Produkt oder Produktgruppe) durch ein anderes Objekt und dessen Image ( Partizipationseffekt).