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From August to October 1970 Rangers from "F" Company conducted 85 patrols. In 1971 operations worked to disrupt enemy supplies and Tet 1971 was remarkably free from enemy activity. "F" Company, 75th Rangers was deactivated 15 March 1971. For additional history, please visit the F Co, 50th (Inf) LRP, F/75 (Inf) Ranger Website. The Rangers of Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry performed with exceptional courage and valor throughout their existence and service in Vietnam, two years and 6 months.

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The 75th Ranger Regiment, also known as Army Rangers, is the U.S. Army's premier light infantry unit and special operations force within the United States Army Special Operations Command. The regiment is headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia and is composed of a regimental headquarters company, a m 75th Ranger Charlie Company Vietnam 1968-1969. by Pamela Comstock I served with Charlie Co 75th Rangers in 1969 and many of us in that Army 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger) - Wikipedia These units were Division LRRPS, LRPS, E/58, 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Brigade LRRPs, Company K (Ranger), 75th Infantry (Airborne) and others. We have endeavored through all available means to provide as comprehensive and inclusive of a list as possible however have never located any list maintained by any unit during the Vietnam campaign. Detachment, Company B, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Parachute (see notes 1 & 2) 1800Z – 2334Z 13 November 2001.

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The company never had more than 80 members and was broken down into 6-man teams. Charlie Company Vietnam 1966-1972 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Home Reunions Reunion 2014 – Columbus, GA 75th Ranger Regiment.

Salad days with Cookie and the boys; RT Habu, CCN, 1971

E company 75th rangers vietnam

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E company 75th rangers vietnam

The rangers were known as "Echo Rangers" or "Riverine Rangers," because they mostly dealt with riverine and canal reconnaissance - even though the company was only partially assigned to the Mobile Riverine Force. 75th Ranger Regiment Assn., Inc. Home Page Long Range Reconnaissance Association: 25th Infantry Division Association Home Page: IAVA: 1st Battalion 50th Infantry Association : 3/4 Cavalry Chapter Centaurs in Vietnam Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (the Wall) Vietnam Women's Memorial: NPS The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: The Virtual Wall The Ranger companies in Vietnam were deactivated during the period 1969 to 1972 as the units they were attached to were deactivated or returned to the United States as part of Vietnamization, though Company O (Arctic Ranger), 75th Infantry Regiment would be reactivated in 1970 for duty at Fort Richardson, Alaska, for a short period of time. Vietnam Era Photos Robert Law POW/MIA Ceremony Unit Officers Archive 75th Infantry Contact Page Obituaries Poems I Company 75th Rangers January 1969 Vietnam History. K Company, 75th Rangers LRRPs and their gear ~ Vietnam War. Saved by Richard da Mota. 14. Vietnam History Vietnam War Photos Special Forces Special P Company 75th Rangers was the northern most Ranger unit during the Vietnam War. They were the long range patrols, the eyes and ears, for the 5th Mechanized Infantry Division.
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On 1 February 1969, the department of the Army reorganized the 75th Infantry as the parent regiment for long-range patrol companies under the combat arms regimental system.

HQDA PO 058-02, dtd 27 Feb 04; DAGO pending.
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