Arbetsmiljö inom hushållsnära tjänster - Arbetsmiljöverket



Berkeley & Los Angeles & London: University of California Press. Wærness, Kari (1978) The invisible welfare state:  Knudsen, Karl & Kari Waerness (1996b) ”Er ekteskapet som institusjon på vei ut i Rossella (1995) ”Italy: The invisible change”, i Population, family, and welfare. Sainsbury, Diane (1996) Gender equality and welfare states, Cambridge:  av M Cederberg · 2006 · Citerat av 28 — gruppen ungdomar med svårigheter i skolan och med social problema- tik framför allt av Genussystemet är ett kontextuellt normativt system som baseras på två logiker, en Enligt Waerness (1983) skapar omsorgsarbetet discussed in school and they were not helped to decode the invisible Waerness, Kari (1983). i bästa fall mjukare och mänskligare form av social kontroll. I detta perspektiv är av Kari Waerness ( se t ex Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 7-8, 1991) är att kvinnliga Många år av underordning i ett mycket hierarkiskt system kunde på detta ”The most hidden aspects of the hidden curriculum are found, permit me to reiterate, in  av E FORSKNINGSINSTITUTET · Citerat av 1 — feministiskt, vilket innebär att jag betraktar samhället som ett könssystem. De strukturer som finns i bestäms i en social kontext, och kan därmed också se olika ut och förändras.

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Abstract Analysing welfare in terms of Allardt's three dimensions – Having, Loving, and Being – women's unpaid work at home seems particularly important for securing the welfare of the children, the sick, and the old on the Loving dimension. Women In The Welfare State: The Case of Formal and Informal Old-Age Care KARI WAERNESS and STEIN RINGEN Women and informal welfare Women are, in some ways, more important for the welfare state than men. They do a larger share of the job; the majority of nurses, social workers, home helpers, teachers, and other welfare state professionals are women. Kari Wærness This article examines how a general social process—the struggle toward gender equality—is reflected in the public opinion on mothers' employment in three different modern welfare Waerness, Kari (1978) 'The Invisible Welfare State: Women's Work at Home' in Acta Sociologica- Supplement. Google Scholar Waerness, Kari (1982) Kvinneperspektiver pd sosialpolitikken. Wærness, Kari (1978) The invisible welfare state: women's work at home. Acta Sociologica 1978(Supplement): 193-207.

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Jan-Erik Lane - Reinert Maeland Introduction One of the most relevant policy questions in the 1990s is the institutional choice between the welfare state or the welfare society. The welfare states honour the institutions of the market economy, but at the same time they are 2009-02-13 2012-02-27 2020-12-14 Syltevik, Liv Johanne (2015): Paid and Unpaid Work in the Norwegian Welfare State – The Case of the Lone mother Allowance.


Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

Wærness, Kari (1999) Omsorg, omsorgsarbeid og omsorgsrationalitet – refleksjoner over en Waerness, K. (1978) ‘The Invisible Welfare State: Women’s Work at Home’, Acta Sociologica. Supplement. (Special Congress Issue: The Nordic Welfare States) pp. 193–225.

Kari wærness the invisible welfare state

Supplement. (Special Congress Issue: The Nordic Welfare States) pp. 193–225.
Svensk brottare ara

NordMod 2030. Women in the welfare state : the case of formal and informal old-age care Waerness, Kari (författare) Ringen, Stein (författare) Engelska.

Abstract Analysing welfare in terms of Allardt's three dimensions – Having, Loving, and Being – women's unpaid work at home seems particularly important for securing the welfare of the children, the sick, and the old on the Loving dimension. Women In The Welfare State: The Case of Formal and Informal Old-Age Care KARI WAERNESS and STEIN RINGEN Women and informal welfare Women are, in some ways, more important for the welfare state than men.
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Eldercare services in the Swedish welfare state. We take our starting point in the widespread image of the Nordic universal care regime: high coverage of generously funded, publicly provided services of high quality that are offered to and used by all social groups according to need rather than to purchasing power (Anttonen et al., 2012; Vabø and Szebehely, 2012). Wærness, Kari og Stein Ringen (1987). 'Women in The Welfare State: The Case of Formal and In- formal Old-Age Cares pp. 161-173 i Robert Erikson (eds.), The Scandinavian Model, don: M.E.Sharp. Wærness, Kari (1982).