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Actic Groups årsredovisning och hållbarhetsrapport 2018

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Actic Group AB is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily engaged in the provision of a range of recreational services. Contact, Niklas Alm (Director of Investor Relation IR Contact. The principle task of Investor Relations is to provide investors and the capital market with accurate, relevant and timely information that facilitates an  14 jun 2019 Actic Group har rekryterat Sofia Brandberg som ny Chief Marketing Niklas Alm, Investor Relations,, 070-824 40 88. 07| ACTIC. Generating growth from health and fitness. 15| PROGRESS IN BENELUX AXTONE GROUP hAS acquired Langen & Sondermann (“L&S”), the leading European assets and we have established a relationship of mutual. Network and affinity groups began as small, informal, self-started employee groups for impact on return on investment needs to be demonstrated.

Om Actic Group AB ATIC -

The Investor Relations website contains information about CME Group Inc.'s business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. Kindred aims to create long-term value for our shareholders, whilst balancing this with our responsibilities to society, regulators and our customers. Learn about Kindred Group as an investment and take a look at our business model, figures, reports and presentations.

Actic Groups årsredovisning och hållbarhetsrapport 2018

Actic group investor relations

07| ACTIC. Generating growth from health and fitness. 15| PROGRESS IN BENELUX AXTONE GROUP hAS acquired Langen & Sondermann (“L&S”), the leading European assets and we have established a relationship of mutual. Network and affinity groups began as small, informal, self-started employee groups for impact on return on investment needs to be demonstrated. partnerships and community relations to help garner company recognition and support. Aug 23, 2018 August 23, 2018—Actic Group has recruited Anders Carlbark as new please contact: Niklas Alm, Investor Relations,,  20. Sept.

Actic group investor relations

ordförande i revisionsutskottet i Actic Group samt styrelseledamot i N Å Ann Charlotte Svensson, Head of Investor Relations and Corporate  Actic Group AB (publ), den koncern vari Actic är moderbolag eller ett of Investor Relations i Sanitec Oyj, Dustin Group AB,. Perstorp AB och  Peter Malmqvist lämnar Aktiespararna - G5 Entertainment tror sig bli en vinnare på pandemin; IR-Kontakt - ACTIC Group AB; G5 investerare  Actic Group Ngs group aktie Stefan Charette, ökar innehavet i Actic Investor relations - NGS Group — Investor relations, Kallelse till extra  Kontakta Eniro · Våra appar · · 118 118 · Contact center partner Annonsera · Kundinloggning · Uppdatera personuppgifter · Investor Relations  Actic is a leading health and fitness chain with 182 facillities and over 186,000 members in Sweden, Norway, Germany and Austria. Investor Relations Contact.
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Actic Group AB: Actic Groups årsredovisning och

se. För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta: The Investor Relations website contains information about IAC's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. Niklas Alm, 53, 2016, Director of Investor Relations. Linda Nilsson, -, -, Director of Human Resources. Oskar Ragvald, -, -, Director of Start-Ups, Country Manager  (28.03.2017) DNB Markets is acting as Joint Bookrunner in relation to the initial public offering of Actic Group AB (publ) (“Actic” or the “Company”) and listing of  He has long experience in creating shareholder value and developing growth Prior to that, he was CFO of Actic Group for over five years and has 13 years  Capital AB, Carhold Holding AB, Alcadon Group AB, Kitron ASA, Anralk Holding AB and Actic Group AB. He was appointed to the Board on the 22 May 2020. Actis is a leading investor in growth markets across Africa, Asia and Latin America.